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포켓몬스터 실사화 명탐정 피카츄(Detective Pikachu) 제작 확정

by KaNonx카논 2016. 7. 21.

포켓몬스터 실사화 명탐정 피카츄(Detective Pikachu) 제작 확정

레전더리가 포켓몬스터 실사화 판권을 획득하여 포켓몬의 실사영화를 제작한다고 합니다.

명탐정 피카츄(Detective Pikachu)는 2017년 촬영에 들어가며 일본외 지역은

유니버셜이 배급한다.

루리웹 http://bbs.ruliweb.com/family/515/board/1002/read/2103856

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 포켓몬 실사화에 대해서 흥하는 드립

모든 이들은 괴물을 잡았으며  그 중에는 괴물을 닦아주는 이도 있었다. 

아니다 이 오박사야! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

기사 원문은 이쪽이군요~! 

Pokemon Live-Action Movie a Go at Legendary


Legendary Entertainment has won the rights to a Pokemon movie and is partnering with the Pokémon Company to launch the first live-action Pokemon film franchise with a “Detective Pikachu” movie.

Legendary said details are being kept under wraps but added that the film will be fast-tracked for production to start in 2017. Detective Pikachu is a new character in the Pokemon universe, introduced through a video game in Japan.

The deal comes two weeks after the Pokemon Go app game was released and became a worldwide phenomenon, so much so that it led to a 25% jump in the stock of part owner Nintendo. The augmented reality game allows players to capture, battle and train the Pokemon virtual creatures.

Pokémon was introduced in Japan in 1996 and has sold 279 million video games worldwide with 21.5 billion cards shipped to 74 countries, and an animated series spanning 19 seasons. The hugely popular Pokemon Go app recently saw the pocket monsters surge back into the pop culture consciousnesses.


